4 min. read

Cultivating Inclusivity in Tech

Insights from Cassandra Hoermann, Employer Branding Expert

The Role of Employer Branding

Inclusivity drives innovation, enhances employee satisfaction, and ultimately leads to better business outcomes.

Through the lens of employer branding, tech companies can significantly impact their inclusivity efforts both internally and externally.

See below Cassandra Hoermann‘s insights on how to build an inclusive culture in the tech industry, providing valuable insights and strategies for companies aiming to make meaningful progress.

About Cassandra

Cassanda believes in the power of people, they are what makes a workplace unique. 

With 10+ years experience working for agencies, corporates, and start-up to scale-up environments, she is an expert in building employer brands that employees are proud of and talents want to work for! 

Cassandra’s most recent experience was to scale the unicorn and hyper growth company Personio – one of the fastest growing tech companies in Europe. Nowadays, she helps start-ups, scale-ups and SME’s independently. 

As she loves bringing people together and growing with each other, she shares her insights regularly on stage, in podcasts and co-hosts the HR community ‘The Power People.’ 

Defining Inclusivity

How do you define an inclusive culture at the workplace?

An inclusive culture in the workplace is one where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute. It’s an environment that celebrates diversity in all its forms, including race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, and more.

Inclusivity means providing equal opportunities for all employees, ensuring their voices are heard, and fostering a sense of belonging.

What are the key components of an inclusive environment in the tech industry?

An inclusive environment in the tech industry should include:

– Diverse Representation: Ensuring diversity at all levels of the organization, from entry-level positions to leadership roles.

– Equitable Policies: Implementing policies that promote fairness and equality, such as equal pay, flexible working arrangements, and anti-discrimination measures.

– Inclusive Practices: Encouraging inclusive behaviors, such as active listening, collaborative decision-making, and mentoring programs.

– Continuous Learning: Providing ongoing training and development on topics like unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership.

How have you seen the focus on inclusivity evolve in the tech industry during your career?

The focus on inclusivity in the tech industry has grown significantly over the years. Initially, the emphasis was primarily on diversity, particularly in hiring practices and specifically on gender. However, it has now evolved to a more holistic approach that includes fostering an inclusive culture, ensuring equity, and promoting a sense of belonging. Companies are increasingly recognizing that inclusivity drives innovation and business success, leading to more comprehensive diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies.

Strategies for Building an Inclusive Culture

What are some effective strategies for fostering an inclusive culture in tech companies?

Effective strategies for fostering an inclusive culture in tech companies include:

– Leadership Commitment: Leaders must champion inclusivity, set clear goals, and hold themselves and others accountable.

– Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Supporting ERGs that provide a platform for underrepresented groups to connect, share experiences, and influence company policies.

– Inclusive Recruitment: Implementing blind hiring processes, diverse interview panels, and outreach programs to attract diverse talent.

– Training and Education: Offering regular training on D&I topics to build awareness and skills among employees.

– Feedback Mechanisms: Creating channels for employees to voice concerns and suggestions, and acting on this feedback.

How can employer branding initiatives help?

Employer branding initiatives can significantly enhance inclusivity efforts.

Internally, they help to increase awareness, educate employees and leadership, and build trust and commitment, laying a strong foundation for any DEI strategy. This, in turn, aids in retaining talent and creating a great place to work for everyone. Externally, these initiatives can highlight a company’s commitment to inclusivity, attract diverse talent, and enhance its reputation by showcasing success stories, sharing employee testimonials, and promoting inclusive policies.

Can you share examples of successful inclusivity initiatives you take as inspiration?

Examples of successful inclusivity initiatives include:

Personio: Holistically thinking about DEI along the journey someone has in the organization, creating company-wide standards such as diverse hiring practices for leadership roles and inclusive company events.

Salesforce’s Equality Groups: Supporting various Equality Groups, such as BOLDforce for Black employees and Outforce for LGBTQ+ employees, which contribute to a more inclusive culture.

Microsoft’s Disability Hiring Program: Focusing on hiring and supporting employees with disabilities, providing them with the necessary resources to succeed.

Overcoming Challenges

What are some common challenges tech companies face when building an inclusive culture?

Common challenges tech companies face include:

– Unconscious Bias: Overcoming ingrained biases that affect hiring, promotions, and everyday interactions.

– Resistance to Change: Facing pushback from employees who are resistant to new D&I initiatives.

– Authenticity: Ensuring that diversity efforts are genuine and not just for show.

– Sustaining Efforts: Maintaining momentum and commitment to inclusivity, especially during times of organizational change.

How can leaders set the tone for inclusivity and ensure it permeates throughout the organization?

Leaders can set the tone for inclusivity by:

– Leading by Example: Demonstrating inclusive behaviors and making D&I a personal priority.

– Communicating Vision: Clearly articulating the importance of inclusivity and how it aligns with the company’s values and goals.

– Providing Resources: Allocating budget and resources for D&I programs and initiatives.

– Holding Accountability: Setting measurable goals and holding themselves and others accountable for progress.

What steps can be taken to prevent rapid growth from negatively impacting the inclusive culture of a company?

To prevent negative impacts during rapid growth, companies should:

– Integrate D&I into Business Strategy: Ensure D&I is a core part of the company’s growth strategy.

– Maintain Open Communication: Keep lines of communication open to address concerns and gather feedback from employees.

– Standardize Practices: Develop and implement standard D&I practices across all locations and teams.

– Expand ERGs: Scale Employee Resource Groups to support new employees and maintain a sense of community.

Measuring Success

How can companies measure the effectiveness of their inclusivity efforts through employer branding?

Companies can measure the effectiveness of their inclusivity efforts by:

– Employee Surveys: Regularly surveying employees to gauge their sense of inclusion and belonging.

– Diversity Metrics: Tracking diversity metrics across various levels and departments.

– Recruitment Data: Analyzing the diversity of applicant pools and new hires.

– Retention Rates: Monitoring the retention rates of diverse employees and identifying any disparities.

What metrics or indicators do you consider most important for assessing inclusivity in the workplace?

Important DEI metrics include:

– Employee Engagement Scores: Reflecting employees’ overall satisfaction and engagement.

– Representation Data: Diversity statistics across different levels and functions.

– Promotion Rates: Analyzing the rate at which diverse employees are promoted compared to their peers.

– Pay Equity: Ensuring equal pay for equal work across all demographic groups.

Practical Advice

What advice would you give to a tech company just starting its journey towards building an inclusive culture?

For tech companies starting their inclusivity journey, consider these top five tips:

1. Start with Leadership: Ensure leadership is committed and educated on the importance of D&I.

2. Create a Roadmap: Develop a clear D&I strategy with specific goals and timelines.

3. Less is More: Focus on a few activities and do them right.

4. Engage Employees: Involve employees at all levels in the planning and implementation of D&I initiatives.

5. Be Transparent: Communicate openly about challenges and progress to build trust and accountability.

How can employees at all levels contribute to a more inclusive workplace?

Employees can contribute by:

– Educating Themselves: Learning about D&I topics and reflecting on their own biases.

– Being Allies: Supporting colleagues from underrepresented groups and advocating for their needs.

– Participating in ERGs: Joining or starting Employee Resource Groups to foster a sense of community.

– Speaking Up: Voicing concerns and suggestions to improve inclusivity within the organization.

What trends do you see emerging in the field of diversity and inclusion in tech?

Emerging trends in the field of diversity and inclusion in tech include:

– Focus on Equity: Moving beyond diversity to address systemic inequalities and create equitable opportunities.

– Inclusive Technology: Developing technology that is accessible and inclusive for all users.

– Mental Health and Well-being: Recognizing the importance of mental health in creating an inclusive workplace.


Building an inclusive culture in the tech industry is an ongoing journey.

Through dedicated efforts and strategic employer branding, companies can create environments where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute their best.

Join us on this journey towards creating a more inclusive tech industry.

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